Dongara, Julien Bay, Perth
52 days away
398 km / 247 miles since last post
14,781 km / 9,184 miles total
We left Dongara this morning and took the scenic tourist drive down towards Perth. It wasn't quite as scenic as we'd hoped, but we stopped along the way at a couple of lookouts. The weather became fairly cloudy after leaving Dongara so the views weren't as good as they could have been.
We stopped at Julien Bay and parked up by the beach to have some lunch. By this point the clouds had become very dark and there was a spot or two of rain.
It seemed a long drive to get to Perth - maybe because we were starting to feel tired and our constant travelling was beginning to catch up with us.
Luckily, when we arrived at the campsite, we managed to 'borrow' a good wireless internet connection. We took this opportunity to see if anyone was online for a chat and managed a long conversation with my parents on the webcam, which was great. We also spoke to Russ and Stacey (Stu's brother and sister), but unfortunately the connection wasn't quite as strong so had to do it without the webcam. Nevertheless, it was nice to catch up with some family from home.